
new website

New website! New website! We proudly present our brand new website! Over the past few weeks we have been extremely occupied with redesigning our website. We invite you to take a look around and don’t be shy to give us your honest opinion. We’re always open for improvements. Things we have changed: 1. We decided …

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Skating in the sun and drinking mocktails On Saturday the 18th of September 2021 we shared some fresh Stēap mocktails at an open-air film screening from Stadsnomade. Stadsnomade is a non-profit organization based in Maastricht that operates with a social mission at the field of sporting, social and cultural domains in the interest of young …

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Energy delivery to one of the best made-to-measure wardrobe companies. On 30 August 2021 we delivered some Stēap Energy at Noteborn. This dutch made-to-measure wardrobe company designs a comprehensive collection of basic elements, styles and shapes, while you choose the dimensions, materials, handles and interiors. Noteborn asked us to give their employees some positive energy …

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